Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Say Goodbye To Big Tech Deplatforming/Cancellation/Censorship: Host Your Own Blog, Website, etc.

First you'll want to build a powerplant (kidding)

From Micronetia, January 26:

Welcome to Micronetia

Micronetia is a system for people to create their own standalone blog, website or other internet connected resource that is hosted by them so that it can't be arbitrarily deleted because some part of BigTech decided that either the content or its creator needed to be cancelled.  

The initial Micronetia project uses a Raspberry Pi, the Ghost blogging/newsletter open source software and the free tier of service from Cloudflare to put up a website (such as this one) which can support thousands or millions of visitors but which is hosted securely in your living room where no one can delete it.

Micronetia Network Overview
Get started by following these instructions.

The Micronetia project is a work in progress but the intent is that it will provide multiple options for software platforms and ways for users to easily share posts and for visitors to easily move from one micronetia host to another. Essentially everyone can host their own portion of the internet "cloud" under their own control.

No BigTech Lockin

The only dependency on proprietary BigTech is the use of Cloudflare and this is because Cloudflare makes the distribution easy and convenient. There's no absolute requirement for Cloudflare and indeed as the project develops some of the developments may include replacing some or all of the Cloudflare bits with alternatives. Indeed alpha versions of this project did not use Cloudflare's Argo Tunnel and they worked just fine. They were discarded simply because the Argo Tunnel solves the whole "poke a NAT hole in your firewall" issue which is such an issue that there are entire websites devoted to helping the less technical user...