Saturday, February 6, 2021

China, Germany, and the “Just One More Thing” Negotiating Tactic (Be the Rabbit)

note: on January 22 the European Commission posted "EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Milestones and documents" which includes, among much else, the agreement in principle on investment, dated December 30, 2020.

From ChinaLawBlog, December 26, 2020:

1. The “Just One More Thing” Negotiating Tactic

For the last six years, China and the EU have been negotiating a new (and massive) investment/trade agreement. This week, at the last minute, China tossed out “one more thing”: the right for Chinese companies to invest as equals in EU nuclear power technology.

I learned about this when a loyal reader (and long-time Asia resident) sent me a link to an article on this, along with the suggestion that we blog about this “one more thing” negotiation tactic. Great idea.

Writing about this negotiation tactic is a great idea because our China contract lawyers see it constantly — in fact, we saw it the very same day we read this article.

In our case, a client had been negotiating an NNN Agreement to protect its intellectual property from its Chinese manufacturer, and at the last minute, the manufacturer dropped in a new provision that would essentially allow it to copy our client’s product. Yes, you read that right. Right when our client believed its manufacturer would sign the NNN agreement, they changed a few words that would have eliminated all the protections our client was aiming to implement. This is incredibly common.

2. How to Fight Back Against the “Just One More Thing Negotiating Tactic”

What should Germany do now that China dumped a massive impediment at its feet in the last stage of negotiations? What should you do when this happens to you and your company?

Many years ago, I was drafting a contract for a client who had studied Zen Buddhism and had extensive China experience. We were negotiating a deal with a Chinese company and every time the Chinese company would stall or push too hard or lie or agree to nine out of ten things one day and then three out of the same ten things the next day, my client’s response would be, “We will be the rabbit.”

According to this client, “being the rabbit” was a Zen concept of fighting back by not fighting at all, like a rabbit that goes limp when attacked by an eagle. So when the Chinese company would come back with massive changes from the day before, my client would send the Chinese company a nice email saying something like, “I understand your new position and we will be reviewing it and responding when appropriate.” And then he would do nothing. For a long, long time.

Eventually, the Chinese company would come back and accuse my client of delaying the deal and it would reiterate how everyone needed to close the deal quickly. At that point, my client would say something like, “I understand why you are in such a rush, but we are more concerned with doing the deal correctly than quickly, so if you have any ideas on how we can speed this up, please let me know.”

The Chinese company would get so frustrated it would start backtracking on its backtracking and essentially return to where it had been before it had tried to gain more ground against our client at the last minute. I got the sense the Chinese company was simply not used to a Western company displaying Zen-like patience and this threw them off their game.

I often find myself instructing clients to “be the rabbit” in the face of a counter-party’s proposed last-minute changes (which they almost always planned from the start to include). Another of our lawyers is less Zen about how to fight back against the last-minute change tactic and he advocates just telling the Chinese company in no uncertain terms that we will never do a deal with you that contains your last-minute change, end of story....


Excellent advice. Absolutely first rate.