Monday, July 8, 2019

"Don't look now, but there's something funny going on over there at the bank, George." (DB)

That's the dialogue at the introduction to the famous bank run scene in "It's a Wonderful Life":

I was thinking about it over the weekend and this morning, what with headlines such as: 
"The Deutsche Bank As You Know It Is No More": DB Exits Equities In $8.4 Billion Overhaul, To Fire Thousands,  at ZeroHedge and "Deutsche Bank derivative dumbness" at FT Alphaville.

Today though we join Bryce and Jamie on Critic's Corner to discuss the 'Bank Art Collection Omen Indicator.'
From FT Alphaville's Markets Live:
11:09 am
BE Morning!
BE When was the last time we talked about the Bank Art Collection Omen Indicator?
JP Morning all.

DRichi Good morning, what's going on at Deutsche???

BE Hello, JP .... thinking probably during the last Italian crisis. There were some quality failures there of places with a bunch of renaissance canvases in the vaults.
JP Deutsche has a pretty lovely collection from memory.
Excel Developer @DRichi: withdrawal from global equities sales and trading, 18000 jobs lost.
JP And was a happy sponsor when I spent my time visiting art fairs.

BE Indeed! Today we have reason to browse Deutsche Bank's extremely comprehensive art portal.
JP Go on, share the link...

BE There's an app!
Excel Developer @BE: I remember the art in the foyer of the banana building (aka Winchester House)
BE Or head here for the 12 galleries they've got going:

JP These three all include the word "dominance" in their titles.
BE Hm. And I'm sure the people carrying their belongings out in a cardboard box will stop to enjoy Keith Tyson's 12 Harmonics in the foyer.

BE Anyway, catch us up on the DB news JP.
JP Well, you might have heard there's a restructuring....

And just as a reminder that in situations where some might see chaos, others see opportunity:

"Five Picassos went missing from the L.A. Times. What happened to them?"