"Bundesbank: no deflation in sight. Really?"
From Bond Vigilantes:
Today I came across an article in which the Bundesbank took the
festive season as an opportunity to discuss if all the Christmas sales
discounts are going to turn into a permanent phenomenon for the
Eurozone. “No deflation in sight”
(in German) concludes that the Eurozone is unlikely to experience
continuously falling prices, ie deflation. The Bundesbank does however
identify some parallels between today and the 1930s – the last period of
deflation in Germany. The Bundesbank attributes the current
disinflationary trend in the Eurozone to the austerity imposed on the
peripheral economies. It is striking that this line of argument offers
the opportunity to draw some historical parallels. In the early 1930s, chancellor Brüning’s retrenchment policies
(in form of emergency decrees) in response to the global economic
crisis and the perceived lack of German competitiveness included severe
wage cuts for civil servants, public sector job cuts, reduction of
pension payments and entitlements as well as higher income taxes. These
policies marked a period of severe economic downturn and deflation with
major historical consequences.

However, the Bundesbank seems to take some comfort out of the fact
that the deflationary experiences in the periphery have not been as
severe as in Germany in the 1930s and not sufficient to drag the entire
Eurozone into a deflationary spiral so far. The German central bank
anticipates that the austerity measures will show their positive effects
on the peripheral economic competitiveness soon which should pay off in
form of a return to modest economic growth in 2014 and 2015. While the
high unemployment rates in the Eurozone, and in the periphery in
particular, will continue to ease any inflationary pressure, the paper
concludes that the pickup in economic activity will provide an anchor to
the downside. In other words, the worst is over, and that’s why there
is no deflation in sight. SocGen’s Sebastian Galy critically points out
that the Bundesbank bases much of its analysis on the assumption of a
strong positive correlation between growth and inflation which
historically has not always been evident and doesn’t seem to be
consistent with the trend of disinfloyment that the US is currently experiencing....MORE