Wednesday, February 12, 2025

DARPA To Launch Pre-Crime Anti-Money-Laundering Program

From The Rage, January 27:

The Department of Defense is planning to launch a new AML program that wants to stop money laundering before it happens. 

What's really needed is a federal ban to stop DARPA from watching science fiction movies

  • DARPA has announced plans to launch a pre-crime AML program that aims to deter money laundering before it happens
  • Citing North Korea's use of cryptocurrency, the program will likely be applied to digital assets
  • The program engages controversial predictive policing practices, known to further arbitrary discrimination
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has filed a special notice on the launch of a „Anticipatory and Adaptive Anti-Money Laundering“ Program (A3ML) that "seeks to revolutionize the practice of anti-money laundering" by developing "algorithms to sift through financial transaction graphs for suspicious activity patterns in attempts to anticipate future activities."

"Want to stop our adversaries from laundering money to evade sanctions, buy weapons, and fund drugs that kill Americans? Me too," writes A3ML program manager David Dewhurst on LinkedIn.

"If successful, A3ML would make it prohibitively expensive for our adversaries to transfer illicit value through the global financial system. the technical hypothesis: illicit finance tactics, techniques, and procedures can be algorithmically extracted from diverse data sources and represented in a generic, sharable form," Dewhurst writes....