Saturday, August 19, 2023

U.S. Army Mad Scientist Laboratory: "China: Leader in Military Application of Biological Human Performance Enhancement by 2030"

From the Army's, August 10:

Gene editing could play a significant role in the execution of China’s Intelligentized warfare concept by enabling the country to create genetically modified soldiers with enhanced physical and cognitive abilities.

[Editor’s Note: The Army’s Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to feature another excerpt from the United States Army War College (USAWC) Team Techno-Warfare Group’s Techno Sentient Warfare in 2035. This report documents the findings from their group Strategic Research Requirement that occurred over eight months (from October 2022 to May 2023).

The Team Techno-Warfare Group consisted of COL Leslie Carlson (USA), LTC Fidel Arvelo (USA), LTC Phillip Cain (USA), LTC Samuel Meyer (USA), and Col (s) Dorian Hatcher (USSF). Their requirement synthesized and analyzed open-source information and interviews with subject-matter experts to answer the following strategic question posed by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command: What will Intelligentized warfare look like in 2035, and what skill sets will leaders need to win in this environment? 

Regular readers of the Mad Scientist Laboratory will recall a recurrent theme permeating our on-going exploration of the Operational Environment — the Asymmetry in Ethics that exists between the West and our pacing threat – China. Asymmetric ethical standards grant China an advantage in Science and Technology (S&T) development. China perceives itself as an old culture with differing needs and values from the West, in which ethical standards inresearch are regarded as “flexible,” and may appear “lax” by Western standards. This mindset, along with robust research funding, attracts international talent, impacts S&T development (commercial and military) timelines, and fortifies China’s capability in economic, biomedical, and political spheres of influence and power. Today’s post features Col (s) Dorian Hatcher’s piece exploring how this Asymmetry in Ethics will enable China to emerge as the world’s leading innovator in biological Human Performance Enhancement Technologies (HPET) and its military applications by 2030. Note that ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, Jasper AI, Google Translator, and ask Ai Bot were utilized in this essay’s argument research and construction — Read on!]

Executive Summary
With rapid advances in Chinese HPET and the cooperation of a complicit regulatory environment, it is highly likely (71-85%) that China will lead the world in developing CRISPR Cas9, Gene Editing, and Gene Doping technological capabilities by 2030. Utilizing a Civil-Military Fusion approach to biotechnology as a dual-use technology, it is highly likely (71-85%) the widespread application of Gene-related HPET will begin in 2030, particularly within military applications. These advancements promise incredible outcomes such as eliminating diseases, improved strength levels & vision, and decreased fatigue all contributing to enhanced overall human capability.
