Thursday, August 17, 2023

"Russia’s international reserves down by $0.8 bln to $585.8 bln over week — Central Bank"

The question, of course, is whether the central bank will have to re-install capital controls to stem the flight of Oligarch and other loot.

Lifted in toto from Tass, August 17:

Reserves stood at $586.6 bln as of August 4

MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. Russia’s international reserves dropped by $0.8 bln and amounted to $585.8 bln as of August 11, 2023, the Central Bank said.

"International reserves amounted to $585.8 bln as of August 11, having declined by $0.8 bln or by 0.1% over the week in consequence of negative revaluation," the regulator informed.

Reserves stood at $586.6 bln as of August 4.

Russia’s international reserves are highly liquid foreign assets available with the Bank of Russia and the Russian Government. They comprise foreign currency, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), a reserve position in the International Monetary Fund and monetary gold.

They follow the central bank story with a grab bag of other quick hits.