Tuesday, October 25, 2022

What's With All The Short Guys Running Things In Europe?

From former FT'er and WSJ'er Tom Gara:

So President Macron towers over the others.

I was going to lead with "Paging Mr. Pepin, please pick up the white courtesy phone" but will use it as afters to lead into  2008's "European Politicians Think They are Rulers; Need Energy Wasting Palace":

..the EU rulers (alas, they think of themselves as rulers, not servants of the people) are masters of the "Camel's nose under the tent" school of government. They know that if they told the populace the truth they might be treated rougher than Louis XVI was.

When MEP's dream, are they Capetian or Carolingian?
Capetian, methinks.

I've always liked the Carolingians better,
they seemed more human-

Charles II, the Bald
Louis II, the Stammerer
Charles, the Fat
Charles III, the Simple
Along the lines of the Brit's Aethelred II, the Unready
(my fav. royal nickname)

Pepin the Short was the first of the Carolingian dynasty (dynasty named after his son Charlemagne)
And from the Department of Redundancy Department, here's a miniature of Pepin the Short:
