Sunday, December 20, 2020

"Anna and the Apocalypse is everything the words 'Scottish Christmas zombie musical' imply"

 A repost from 2017.

Best headline of the month (so far)
From the Verge:

This dark, demented comedy plays out like a cross between Glee and a George Romero movie
There are two kinds of people in the world: people who hear the words “Scottish Christmas zombie musical comedy” and start scouring the internet for showtimes, and people who hear those words, roll their eyes, and mutter about the ridiculous extremes of mash-up culture. The latter group will want to skip Anna and the Apocalypse, which is exactly as advertised: a low-budget, high-energy independent musical comedy made in Scotland, and centering on how a group of angsty high-schoolers on the cusp of graduation deal with a sudden outbreak of living-deadism....MORE 

Christmas was not a holiday in Scotland for hundreds of years, 1560 up until 1958.

I'm not sure it that fact is related to the zombies.