Saturday, March 3, 2018

"Ranking the Most (and Least) Productive Countries"

From Priceonomics:
This post is adapted from the blog of Redbooth a Priceonomics Data Studio customer. Does your company have interesting data? Become a Priceonomics customer.
Workers in Mexico have the longest work week. Japanese workers take the least vacation time. 
If there were a Workplace Olympics, which country would take home the gold medal for productivity? Who works the fastest, or finishes the most work?

We analyzed data from Priceonomics customer Redbooth, a project management software company, to see if there was an difference in task productivity across countries. We examined the anonymized outcomes of hundreds of thousands of tasks created and completed by countries around the world. How likely is it that work actually gets done based on the country?

We selected the top 40 countries with the most active Redbooth users both in number of accounts and number of tasks (500,000 minimum). We looked at the last three years of productivity, capturing completed (and uncompleted) tasks from all types of industries.
Here’s what we found. 
  • Peru works the fastest, finishing 64% of tasks within a week and averaging 10.2 days to finish a task.
  • The United Arab Emirates works the slowest, finishing just 33% of tasks within a week and averaging 23.8 days to finish a task.
  • The Czech Republic has the highest task completion rate, finishing 84.5% of total tasks, closely followed by Finland, China and Israel.
  • Russia has the lowest task completion rate, finishing just 59.3% of all tasks, followed by India, the Philippines and Peru.
  • The countries that work the fastest tend to finish the fewest tasks, while countries with average working paces ended up finishing the largest percentage of their work. China is one of the few countries to exhibit fast work and a high completion rate.


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