Thursday, December 3, 2015

Branding and Differentiation: Russia Wants To Become the World's Largest Exporter of Non-GMO Food

The scientists tell us genetically modified food is safe but there is a pretty large minority of folks who believe otherwise so there is definitely a market.
From RT:

Putin wants Russia to become world's biggest exporter of Non-GMO food
© Aleksandr Kondratuk
Russia could become the world's largest supplier of ecologically clean and high-quality organic food, said President Vladimir Putin on Thursday. He also called on the country to become completely self-sufficient in food production by 2020.
"We are not only able to feed ourselves taking into account our lands, water resources – Russia is able to become the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food which the Western producers have long lost, especially given the fact that demand for such products in the world market is steadily growing," said Putin, addressing the Russian Parliament on Thursday. -
According to the President, Russia is now an exporter, not an importer of food.
"Ten years ago, we imported almost half of the food from abroad, and were dependent on imports. Now Russia is among the exporters. Last year, Russian exports of agricultural products amounted to almost $20 billion - a quarter more than the revenue from the sale of arms, or one-third the revenue coming from gas exports," he said....MORE