Friday, September 5, 2014

On Icelandic Pronunciation

A couple points of background. From Urban Dictionary:
the real most bad-ass bad-ass they got kicked out of normal scandinavia. they make chuck norris look like a small child.
Smart people don't fuck with the Icelandic.
Celebrity Jeopardy!
Bjork: Sometimes when I'm putting oranges in the sauerkraut, I think of my thoughts and they make me laugh. [buzz] No?

Alex Trebek: Are you Icelandic or retarded? [Sean Connery buzzes in] Sean Connery?

Sean Connery: Can you repeat the question? 
Via Dynamics of Cats:

Here's the BBC's Guide to Icelandic Pronunciation.
You say Volcano, I say Eyjafjallajökull
As best as I can make out it's something like: