The results are similar to those achieved by screening for R&D spending as a percentage of revenues but less choppy and more convenient.
Here's another Ocean Tomo offering:

Fueled by the rapid advance of the Maker Movement, powered by open design communities, the 3D printing market is rapidly expanding. The 3D printing (3DP) or additive manufacturing market is over 30 years old. As the market expands from industrial market applications like rapid prototyping to mainstream consumer market, the industry is projected to grow to $16.2 billion in 2018.
In order to rationalize this growth projection, Ocean Tomo, the Intellectual Capital Merchant Banc™ firm, undertook a study of the patent quality and historical trends within the 3D Printing space.
The Ocean Tomo Ratings™ System Study of 3D Printing Patents issued by the USPTO presents insight on the 3D Printing market useful to governments, corporations, research institutions, patent prosecution law firms, investment analysts and the media.
The report presents a unique look inside the patents issued by the USPTO that are supporting the development of the 3D Printing Market along with the assignees and inventors operating in the space. The report presents a focused look at the expired, abandoned and in-force patents within five leading technology areas in the 3D printing space including:» Stereolithography (SL)
» Extrusion-based Fused Deposition Materials (FDM)
» Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
» Material Jetting
» Binder Jetting
These five technology areas represent 76% of the patents issued within the 3D printing space.Further insight into Directed Energy Deposition, Electrophoretic Deposition, Laser Metal Forming, Laminated Object Manufacturing, Multiphoton Lithography and Photolithography is available as custom reports.The report also provides a patent portfolio assessment, an objective assessment of the overall quality of patents within the 3D Printing Market, as well as a competitive landscape – identification of relevant patents, assignees and inventors.
Report Excerpts:
Possibly related (yeah, we have an interest in this stuff):
Being a Patent Troll Now Patented
Electronic Frontier Foundation Mobilizing to Fight 3D Printing Patent Trolls
Patents vs. Innovation: 3D Printing Edition (SSYS; DDD; IRBT)
DLA Piper: Clone Wars 3D Printing and Intellectual Property ( and Nathan Myhrvold's Cunning Plan to Prevent 3-D Printer Piracy)
3D Printing: Electronic Frontier Foundation Challenges 6 Troll Patents