One of the frequently cited causes of rising levels of obesity is the widespread use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as an ingredient in many soft drinks. The direct connection between corn syrup and obesity has long been questioned by the corn industry but in an interview last week, the outgoing chief of the National Corn Growers Association, Rick Tolman, acknowledged that HFCS is probably a contributing factor although not the only cause. CQ Roll Call’s Philip Brasher reported on Tolman’s comments on HFCS:
There certainly is an obesity issue in America and in the world, there’s no question about that. Is HFCS a contributor – absolutely. Is it more of a contributor than sugar or anything else? Personally, I don’t believe so and I think most of the science shows that.
Monday, September 15, 2014
"Corn Industry Leader Gets Candid on High Fructose Corn Syrup"
From Congressional Quarterly's Roll Call: Healthopolis: