Sunday, May 18, 2014

Unenthused by the Paltry Selection of Castles on the Market in the United States?

Drop $68K a Week and Rule Lismore Castle All Summer

From Curbed:
Feeling a bit unenthused by the paltry selection of castles on the market in the United States? In that case, consider a quick jaunt to Lismore, Ireland, where the brokerbabble-coined "Gaelic grandeur" is palpable and the Lismore Castle sits waiting for the right King or Queen to come along for the summer. Currently on the rental market for $68K a week the neo-Gothic estate dates back to the 12th century, first used as an abbey for King Henry II, and later as the 17th-century home to the first Earl of Cork. Extensively rebuilt in the mid-19th century the William Cavendish—the sixth Duke of Devonshire....MORE
Despite the crenelated battlements, and although the central keep looks real enough, the windows set into what should be curtainwall give away the fact that this is less castle and more comfy house.

This is what happens when upstarts like the Cavendish clan get their hands on stuff.  
(just kidding Your Grace)