Get the Look! Russian Oligarch Chic in Bel Air for $19 Mil.
From Curbed:
"Sequestered" up a gated driveway as if in judge-mandated isolation
after a trial in style court, this "exquisite European villa" clearly
counts a surfeit of gold trim among its saving graces. In truth, it
looks more like whoever designed the interior took more than a few pages from Get the Look: Russian Oligarchs. This 17,000-square-foot piece of "flawless craftsmanship & masterful custom finishes" also offers
a "built-in nook & aquarium, marble countertops, & top of the
line 'Miele' appliances," all of which are seriously of the essence when
a $18.995M asking price is on the table, which is down a smidge from the $19.995M it was listed for in May of 2013....