Thursday, May 16, 2013

What Kind of Joke School Did FT Alphaville Go To?

Elementary my dear Watson.
From FT Alphaville:
Man walks into a gold bar. Au!
What, all the good jokes argon?
I don't zinc so!

Here's the rest of the Alphaville post on:
Resolved: that gold’s role as a safe haven asset in the global financial system [is] outdated and redundant...
Wait, that's Oxford Union format.
My opinion?
Let's make some money. From this morning:

Gold Falls, Stabilizes on Asian Buying

After trading down to $1368.00 the market sees some buying:

Five minute prints via FinViz
This is tradable to the upside for the nimble. $1372.80, last, maybe $1405 as a target.
$1387.10 last. That's funnier than three heliums HeHeHe.

Our last joke post from which these were lifted.