Saturday, March 2, 2013

"The gold/crime correlation"

From Izabella Kaminska's Towards a Leisure Society tumblr:
The insurance man came to visit me the other day about my burglary.

I asked him what the crime statistics were like in Geneva because everyone is always saying how much more crime there is nowadays.

Interestingly he said claims peaked in 2011 and have started to come off since.
He added that the most common item stolen is jewellery.

I couldn’t help thinking that’s interesting because 2011 is also the year when the price of gold peaked.
Criminals presumably don’t steal gold to vault it up to prepare for inflation. They steal it to liquidate it into cash....MORE 
Izabella is not happy but probably won't go so far as to pop for one of these examples of the gold/crime correlation in place of the stolen  heirlooms:


-from When a Mexican Drug Lord Gets Busted

Here are five years of gold prices. I'm not sure how to go long a dropping crime rate but shall make enquiries directly:

Also at TALS:
Debasing gold