Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Money for the Most Exquisite Things: Bankers and Collecting from the Medici to the Rockefellers"

I've been meaning to put something together on Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo (yes, the O in GMO) and their possibly-greatest-in-private-hands collection of Old Masters but will have to leave this as a placeholder.

From The Center for the History of Collecting and the Frick Museum via
 March 1 - 2, 2013
The Center for the History of Collecting will host a two-day symposium, Money for the Most Exquisite Things: Bankers and Collecting from the Medici to the Rockefellers.

Twelve speakers will examine collecting practices by bankers and merchant-banking families between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries, not only the Medici and the Rockefellers, but the Rothschild, David-Weill, and Lehman families, among others. The presentations will provoke questions about the ways in which banker-collectors were viewed at different times in history, what motivated their collecting, and what prompted many banks to form institutional collections. ...MORE

Here are a couple of the videos:

The David-Weill Family from The Frick Collection on


The Barings: A Dynasty of Art Collectors from The Frick Collection on