Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gumshoe Reporting "The Jobs House: Under Construction" (AAPL)

Mr. Savitz, formerly a Murdochian vassal, now does his tech his thing at Forbes. He lives in Palo Alto.
From Forbes:
Looks like there is a major overhaul going on at the Palo Alto home owned by the family of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

It is isn’t entirely clear what’s happening, but a quick drive-by yesterday showed a massive construction project underway, including changes in the roofline; the extensive nature of the work on the house would suggest that Laurene Powell Jobs and her children are not currently living there.

Here are a few pictures from the house shot on July 4. (Taken with my iPhone, naturally.)

Note the scaffolding on the side of the house, fencing around the trees and yellow caution tape.