Friday, October 1, 2010

Another &%@*&!$ Year That I Didn't Get a McArthur Fellowship

Screw Lincoln and his "I will prepare myself and some day my chance will come".
I go to all the trouble of reading "How to become a MacArthur genius." and what's the result?
Zip, zilch, nada.

Here are six of this year's 20 winners:

Amir Abo-Shaeer »

Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy
Goleta, CA
Age: 38
Physics Teacher inspiring and preparing public high school students for careers in science and mathematics through an innovative curriculum that integrates applied physics, engineering, and robotics.

Jessie Little Doe Baird »

Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project
Mashpee, MA
Age: 46
Indigenous Language Preservationist reviving a long-silent language and restoring to her Native American community a vital sense of its cultural heritage and to the nation a link to our complex past.

Kelly Benoit-Bird »

Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
Age: 34
Marine Biologist using sophisticated acoustic engineering technology to explore the previously invisible behavior of ocean creatures and address long-unanswered questions about the structure and behavior of food chains.

Nicholas Benson »

The John Stevens Shop
Newport, RI
Age: 46
Stone Carver preserving the legacy of a centuries-old artistic tradition and expanding the art of hand letter carving with the beauty and craftsmanship of his own designs.

Drew Berry »

Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Melbourne, Australia
Age: 40
Biomedical Animator enhancing our under-standing of a wide range of biological processes and systems by synthesizing data from a variety of fields into scientifically accurate, aesthetically rich visualizations.

Whadda they have that I don't? Huh?

[Um. a McArthur Fellowship? -ed]

Carlos D. Bustamante »

Photo to come
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
Age: 35
Population Geneticist mining DNA sequence data to address funda-mental questions about the mechanisms of evolution, the complex origins of human genetic diversity, and patterns of population migration.