"I don't know if climate change is caused by burning coal or sun flares or what," said the Moscow-based carbon cowboy. "And I don't really give a shit. Russia is the most energy inefficient country around, and carbon is the most volatile market ever. There's a lot of opportunity to make money.""As a bonus, Putin also received a miasma of environmental credibility, which suited the Russian president like a negligee on Andre the Giant."
I like this writer. To my Russian speaking friends, WTF, you never told me about Zaitchik, the eXile and Freezerbox?
Alexander Zaitchik co-founded Freezerbox in 1998. He lives in Moscow.From "Russia to Stockpile $58 Billion of Kyoto CO2 Credits":
...Russia’s Kyoto target was to match its average annual emissions in the measurement period compared with 1990...MORE
Got that? The base year is Soviet era, before the collapse. Kyoto is as crass a money grab as any you'll find short of Hitler's theft of Europe's art treasures. And it is orders of magnitude larger than the "Rape of Europa".
From our post "Russia: What a Scam We Have in Carbon":
...Well readers you decide, has Russia figured out how to stick it to the Europeans in both the gas biz and the carbon biz, simultaneously? Da/Nyet? Your vote counts.
DaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaNyetDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaDaNyetAlright, the nyet's have it!
Europe's playing pattycake. With a stone cold killer....