...Here's why it makes perfect economic sense for bloggers to be subsidised, and why we can help the world out of an impending crisis.
2. Blogging is an unskilled profession. Let's be honest - for every Nobel prize winner, there's a nutter or nonentity with nothing to say, writing nothing of interest. It's not like research into green energy or university education - where a stimulus might simply raise the price of already-scarce skills.....
3. Blogging can be 'Buy American'. It's easy to put a filter on the IP address of your blog readers to make sure they are within the borders of your own nation. And there's no WTO rule against it!...
8. Blogging is not subject to Ricardian equivalence. Actually, neither is anything else, so this is a moot point....
10. A blog stimulus will increase investment, consumption, private savings and government savings. The average blogger has no idea what an accounting identity is, never mind NIPA, never mind how government borrowing affects private savings, investment and income. Most of them couldn't even define accounting. That won't stop them writing about it. By the well-tested technique of repeated assertion, and by taking selective evidence out of context from different blogs, we will be able to demonstrate that the stimulus will have only positive effects on all possible variables....
13. Blogging has positive externalities and is thus a good candidate for public funding. An increase in blog activity will encourage additional demand for, and investment in, complementary products - particularly twitter. The number of tweets providing links to new blog postings will increase in line with the square of the investment (see item 1 above). It's important not to misconstrue this point - we are not suggesting a fiscal stimulus to twitter. That would be ridiculous....MORE
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Stimulus for bloggers
Some profoundly important points from Knowing and Making: