Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can states pass laws regulating auto emissions?

That's the Question the WSJ.com's Law Blog asks.
But can states pass laws regulating auto emissions? That’s a different question than the one addressed by Judge Jenkins, and one that is very much in play. The automakers are suing California challenging a 2002 California law that would limit vehicle greenhouse gas emissions.

The LB also has backround on the recent Vermont decision.

The WSJ's Energy Roundup had been following VT since April by directing us to more extensive coverage in the print edition of the paper, capping with this post, last week:

One Lousy Day for Auto Makers
All in one day on Wednesday, oil prices reached a new record and a federal judge in Vermont endorsed for the first time new state rules that would reduce emissions — and, by extension, increase fuel efficiency — in cars on American roads....MORE