...While President Bush dined with Ban Ki-moon, Han Duk-soo of South Korea, Lula, Merkel, Mbeki, Prodi and Sarkozi, a half dozen reporters took up positions in the Delegates' Entrance stakeout. Soon they were ushered out so that dogs could smell their equipment --- camera equipment, just to be clear.
...Also announced on Monday at the noon briefing -- better late than never -- was that
The UN will substantially offset the carbon emissions caused by today's High-Level Event on Climate Change, which is estimated at about 500 tons of carbon dioxide. These carbon emissions are primarily from the energy use for the meeting, the travel of UN staff involved in the organization of the meeting, special invitees and speakers, and Heads of State and Government and ministers who have come to New York only for the High-Level Event. The carbon emissions from the Event will be offset by a small-scale hydroelectric project located in Intibuca, Honduras, near the city of La Esperanza. In addition to providing power stability to the electric grid in the area, this high quality renewable energy project provides significant local social and environmental benefits, such as rural electrification and reduced dependency on fuel wood, increased employment of local people, and improvement of the watershed through reforestation. The effort to offset the carbon footprint of today’s Event, which will cost $15,800, is supported by the UN Foundation.
And for a taste of ICP in the South Bronx:
September 10, 2007
This year's Ferragosto on Arthur Avenue had less freebies than usual.
Calandra's Cheese, for example, which previously had a stand making and giving samples of mozzarella (even if they did glare at you if you came back too many times) this year had no stand outside, at least not at the 4:30 p.m. peak when "The Streets of the Bronx" launched laboriously into their rendition of "Good Love" and on Hughes and 186 Italian folk musicians played mandolin for an older crowd.
There were the masked clowns and the roasting pig, sure, and the new restaurant on the block, Dolce Amaro, had a half dozen oversized motorcycles in front, including a three-wheeled named "Boss Hog." The police barricades were up on Hoffman and Belmont, 188 to 186. Mount Carmel Church had its stand and the library sold bags of book for two dollars, made to look like two hundred (200) on the sign in front. All in all a groovy time, as summer comes to a close...
In potentially less positive New York news, the New York State Banking Department has named as its new first deputy superintendent of banks hired Patricia Meadow, who has held positions at HSBC Holdings PLC and Citigroup -- both of which have settled governmental charges of predatory lending...