Friday, February 21, 2025

Reminder, A Breach Of The Three Gorges Dam Submerges Wuhan In Under Ten Hours With No Way To Stop It

Thinking about the Bat Lady in the post immediately below, "Stocks Puke After China Reports New Coronavirus 'With Pandemic Potential' Discovered", I am reminded of our outro from this June 2022 post:

"Taiwan Official Warns Supersonic Cruise Missile Can Strike Beijing"


....Until Taipei has a nuclear warhead they can strap on top of the missile they should probably think less about Beijing and more about the Three Gorges Dam.

A failure of the dam, besides cutting 22,500 MW nameplate capacity from the grid would release a wall of water 100 meters high moving at 100 kilometers per hour. Despite spreading out and slowing down the flood would extend 1500 km to Nanjing, with remaining very high flows exiting past Shanghai. Along the way the Institute of Virology in Wuhan might be at risk, so a win - win.

Except for the 400 million people in the affected areas downstream.

Cue to 02:55

See, I told you it was a pangolin raccoon dog bat soup.