Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"China and Belarus conduct joint military exercises right next to NATO and EU’s border"

That's a bit in-your-face, what with the 75th NATO get-together going on right now.

From CNN via MSN, July 9:

Belarus and China kicked off 11-day joint military training exercises Monday, Belarus’ defense ministry said – with activities taking place just miles from the border of Poland, a NATO and European Union member.

The joint anti-terrorist training “Attacking Falcon” exercises in Belarus would see military personnel from both countries “act together” as one unit in certain stages, Major General Vadim Denisenko of the Belarusian military said in a Telegram post.

“Events in the world are complex, the situation is complex, therefore, having studied new forms and methods of conducting warfare, here we will work out all these moments considering all that is new that has been learnt in the past two years,” Denisenko said.

The joint exercises are being held at a training ground near the city of Brest on the Belarus-Poland border and some 40 miles from Minsk’s border with Ukraine....
