Wednesday, June 12, 2024

World Agricultural Supply Demand Estimates: Mostly Meh; Futures Sideways To Down (WASDE)

From Successful Farming, June 12:

USDA projects slightly lower Brazilian soybean production

USDA released the latest WASDE report on June 12.

In This Article

2023/2024 U.S. ending stocks

The WASDE report held corn and wheat ending stocks for the 2023/2024 marketing year steady, The trade expected this for wheat but was expecting a lower number for corn. Soybean ending stocks were raised more than expected.
2023/2024 U.S. ending stocks estimates (bushels)
  June  Trade expectations  May 
Corn  2.022 billion  2.005 billion  2.022 billion 
Soybeans  350 million  348 million  340 million
Wheat  688 million  688 million  688 million


Wheat is the biggest loser, rice the biggest gainer. Via FinViz:

Wheat Chart DailyRough Rice Chart Daily

Here's the complete report (40 page PDF)