Friday, April 26, 2024

"U.S. solar companies, imperiled by price collapse, demand protection"

It's also a demand problem. Residential rooftop installer SunPower just announced they were laying off one-quarter of their workforce due to declining demand. From PV Magazine, April 24:

SunPower to close business units, cut about 26% of workforce

And the headline story from the Washington Post, April 24/25:

In a federal complaint, American companies accuse Asian firms of illegally flooding the United States with Chinese-subsidized solar panels

Several of the largest American solar manufacturing companies are demanding aggressive action against cheap imports, arguing in a petition filed Wednesday with the Commerce Department that firms in four Asian countries are illegally flooding the U.S. market with Chinese-subsidized panels....


Related, April 3:
"China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing"

For folks keeping score, China now dominates batteries, the solar supply chain from polysilicon ingots to solar panels, electric vehicles and wind generation.