Wednesday, March 6, 2024

(very) Large Language Models: "SambaNova Trains Trillion-Parameter Model to Take On GPT-4"

From Electrical Engineering Times, March 6:

SambaNova has built and pre-trained a trillion-parameter AI model it calls Samba-1, designed for enterprises to customize and fine-tune with their own data. There are only a few trillion-parameter models in the world today, SambaNova CEO Rodrigo Liang told EE Times, but SambaNova’s intent is to enable enterprises to have their own trillion-parameter large language model (LLM) trained on their own data—without having to compromise data security.

“Samba-1 is an enterprise-class, trillion-parameter model that customers can train with their private data, without ever having to disclose [their data] into the public domain,” he said.

“Our goal is for every enterprise to have their own custom version of a trillion-parameter GPT,” he added. “If you think about how people will start customizing this, within a short time every company will have a different trillion-parameter model. But because they selected a different combination of experts, and they customized some, fine-tuned others…now instead of having only two trillion-parameter models in the world, you’ve got 100.”....


Shades of Nvidia with their Every, town, every village, every hamlet, every wide spot in the road, should have their own (NVDA-powered) supercomputer.