Wednesday, March 6, 2024

"Elon Musk’s German Tesla plant suffers close to $1 billion in damages after attack by the ‘dumbest ecoterrorists on earth’" (TSLA)

Have them work it off.

From Fortune, March 6:

Arsonists calling themselves the Volcano Group left Tesla’s German factory without electricity on Tuesday, leading to damages the company claims could approach $1 billion.

More than 60,000 residents in Brandenburg and even parts of Berlin were also affected when a single high-voltage power mast near Tesla’s factory in Grünheide was set ablaze, raising broader questions over how to protect defenseless infrastructure critical to the economy from vandals, saboteurs, and criminals.

“The complete destruction of the gigafactory and the lopping off of technofascists like ‘Elend’ Musk are a step on the path towards liberation from the patriarchy,” the group said in a statement sent to media, using a wordplay for Musk’s first name that in German means “misery.”

The plant’s senior director, Andre Thierig, estimated the economic loss to Tesla from the production stop and subsequent ramp-up in the “high hundreds of millions” of euros as some 1,000 vehicles each day cannot be built.

Tesla’s factory, the company’s first in Europe, manufactures the Model Y crossover for most European left-hand drive markets including Germany. 

Emergency power still requires the local substation, which converts electricity into useful lower voltages, to be connected with the rest of the grid.

The attack, however, severed the lines between the mast and the substation situated an hour’s drive east of downtown Berlin, causing backup systems to fail. 

With Grünheide’s ventilation knocked out, all 12,500 employees had to be sent home, and it could take several days for the damage to be repaired by the local grid operator.....

I was hoping Germany was getting tired of these shallow, boring (they hate when you tell them they are boring), self-absorbed nitwits.
From a 2023 post on VW:

Why Did No One Inform Me There Was Cake At The Volkswagen Annual Meeting?

From 7News (Australia), May 11:

Cake flies as climate, human rights protesters take over VW event
The 2023 annual Volkswagen Group investor meeting has been interrupted by activists protesting about human rights and climate concerns.

Volkswagen’s annual investor meeting in Berlin was overrun by multiple activists concerned about forced labour in China and the company’s climate effects.

According to Automotive News Europe, climate activists laid on the road leading up to the venue and protested at the entrance of the building over concerns Volkswagen is “making climate-damaging concerns”.

During the meeting, concerns over VW’s Chinese plant in Xinjiang were raised based on accusations of forced labour.

About 10 protestors, including a topless women with ‘Dirty Money’ written on her back, interrupted VW Group CEO Oliver Blume’s speech. The group carried banners reading “End Uyghur Forced Labor.”

One activist threw a cake at Porsche SE chairman Wolfgang Porsche but missed, with airborne crumbs landing in the direction of VW Group Supervisory Board chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch....


The VW people seem to take this stuff in stride. There was the time last year when a group calling themselves Scientist Rebellion glued themselves to the floor in the Autostadt, the museum and showroom across from the big factory in Wolfsburg:
Thursday, October 20, 2022 

From one of the protesters:

He goes on to clarify that their support people can get out, they just can't get back in.

And then there are the security people, making their rounds with bright flashlights, making it difficult to nap.  
Just a clarification: people in support can get out of the building but then they couldn't get back in. We can't order our food, we must use the one provided by Wolkswagen. Lights off. Random unannounced checks by security guards with bright torches. Police just came in.3/
As one commenter observed, not the smartest scientists, what with the lack of foresight on toiletting, much less planning for a longer stay: menu options, sleep masks etc.

Meanwhile, back in the USofA, also 2022:
"U.S. Open protester who glued his feet to the stadium floor say NYPD tried to discredit his message by sticking him in the psych ward"