Sunday, August 13, 2023

Position Available: "Aldi Is Hiring a Professional Beer Taster"

(it was 2018. sometimes it takes a while for a follow-up)

From Mental Floss, August 4:

Aldi is looking for a professional beer taster to drink and review their alcoholic beverages. The gig isn’t paid, but it does come with nearly a dozen beers that reviewers can sample from home.

If you’re looking for affordable groceries, it’s hard to beat the prices at Aldi. Now customers have the opportunity to enjoy a selection of Aldi beers for the low, low price of free. Aldi is seeking a professional beer taster to drink and rate their products, and no experience is required to apply. 

The multinational grocery chain’s new beer connoisseur will be invited to do their work from the comfort of home. After hiring them for the job, Aldi will mail them close to a dozen beers to sample. The taster is then required to write an honest review for each beverage and rate them on a scale of one to five. They will also be expected to post about the gig at least once to Twitter (a.k.a. X) or Instagram through their personal social media handles [PDF]....


Mental Floss Home  (do give the amazing fact generator a whirl)

I got: "The Vatican Bank is the world’s only bank that allows ATM users perform transactions in Latin." which was a bit of a letdown since we've already covered that on the blog, complete with clenching and declensions. 

Here's a fun fact, Vatican City has the highest crime-rate-per-resident of any nation in the world.

Also the lowest birth rate.