Friday, April 7, 2023

Study: Climate Change Linked To More Home Runs In Major League Basball

From the New York Post, April 7:

Hotter weather from climate change has played a role in the surge of home runs in Major League Baseball, and even more are expected in the future, according to a study published Friday.

Players hit at least 500 more homers between 2010 and 2019 — roughly 50 a year — because balls fly a greater distance in warmer air, according to a peer-reviewed paper by Dartmouth College researchers.

“Our results highlight the myriad ways that a warmer planet will restructure our lives, livelihoods, and recreation,” researchers wrote in the report, published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

If the world continues to heat up, fans can expect 192 more long balls per season by 2050 and 467 more annually by 2100, according to the study.

“All else being equal, warmer air is less dense and a batted ball will carry farther,” the paper states. “Air density is inversely proportional to temperature.”....


Here are some other things linked to global warming:

extinctions , human , civilisation , logic , Colony Collapse Disorder (Bees dying) , Inuit , smallest butterfly , cod , ladybirds , pikas , polar bears , make polar bears eat their cubs , possums , walrus , toads , plants , salmon , trout , wild flowers , woodlice , a million species , half of all animal and plant species , mountain species , not polar bears , barrier reef , leaches , salamanders , tropical insects)
experts muzzled , extreme changes to California , fading fall foliage , fainting , famine ,  farmers benefit , farmers go under , farm output boost , fashion disaster , fever , figurehead sacked , fir cone bonanza ,

fish bigger , fish catches drop , fish downsize , fish catches rise , fish deaf , fish get lost , fish head north , fish stocks at risk , fish stocks decline , five million illnesses , flames stoked , flesh eating disease , flood patterns change , floods ,  floods of beaches and cities , flood of migrants , flood preparation for crisis , Florida economic decline , flowers in peril , fog (more) in San Francisco , fog (less) in San Francisco , food poisoning , food prices rise , food prices soar , food security threat (SA)

football team migration , footpath erosion , forest decline , forest expansion , frog with extra heads , frostbite , frost damage increased , frosts , fungi fruitful , fungi invasion , games change , Garden of Eden wilts , geese decline in Hampshire , genetic diversity decline , gene pools slashed , giant oysters invade , giant pythons invade , giant squid migrate , gingerbread houses collapse , glacial earthquakes , glacial retreat , glacial growth , glacier grows (California) , glacier wrapped , global cooling , global dimming

glowing clouds , golf course to drown , golf Masters wrecked , grandstanding , grasslands wetter , Great Barrier Reef 95% dead , Great Lakes drop , great tits cope , greening of the North , Grey whales lose weight , Gulf Stream failure , habitat loss , haggis threatened , Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome , harmful algae , harvest increase , harvest shrinkage , hay fever epidemic , health affected , health of children harmed , health risks , heart disease , heart attacks and strokes (Australia) , heat waves , hibernation affected , hibernation ends too soon , hibernation ends too late , high court debates , Hitler , HIV epidemic , homeless 50 million , hornets , horses shrink , human development faces unprecedented reversal , human fertility reduced , human health risk , human race oblivion , hurricanes , hurricane reduction , hurricanes fewer , hurricanes not , hydropower problems , hyperthermia deaths , ice age , ice sheet growth , ice sheet shrinkage ,  icebergs , illegal immigration , illness and death , inclement weather , India drowning , infrastructure failure (Canada) , industry threatened , infectious diseases , nflation in China , insect explosion , insurance premium rises , Inuit displacement , Inuit poisoned , Inuit suing , invasion of cats , invasion of crabgrass , invasion of herons , invasion of jellyfish , invasion of king crabs , invasion of midges , island disappears , islands sinking , Creation of ISIS , itchier poison ivy , jellyfish explosion , jets fall from sky , jet stream drifts north , Kew Gardens taxed , kidney stones , kidney stones again , killer cornflakes , killing us , kitten boom , koalas under threat , krill decline , lake and stream productivity decline , lake empties , lake shrinking and growing , landslides , landslides of ice at 140 mph , lawsuits increase , lawsuit successful , lawyers' income increased (surprise surprise!) , lawyers want more , legionnaires' surge , lives saved , lizards change sex , Loch Ness monster dead , Locust plagues suppressed , Longer wprk breaks , Lopsided Earth , lush growth in rain forests , Malaria , mammoth dung melt , mango harvest fails , Maple production advanced , Maple syrup shortage , marine diseases , marine food chain decimated , Meaching (end of the world) , Mediterranean rises , megacryometeors , Melanoma , Melanoma decline , Mental health of farmers , meteors from space , methane emissions from plants , methane burps , methane runaway , melting permafrost , Middle Kingdom convulses , migration , migration difficult (birds) , migratory birds huge losses , microbes to decompose soil carbon more rapidly , minorities hit , monkeys on the move , Mont Blanc grows , monuments imperiled , moose dying , more bad air days , more research needed , mortality increased , mountain (Everest) shrinking , mountaineers fears , mountains break up , mountains green and flowering , mountains taller , mortality lower , murder higher , Mutate humans , Myanmar cyclone , narwhals at risk , National security implications , native wildlife overwhelmed , natural disasters  quadruple , new islands , next ice age , NFL threatened , Nile delta damaged , noctilucent clouds , no effect in India , Northwest Passage opened , nuclear plants bloom , oaks dying , oaks move north , ocean acidification , ocean acidification faster , ocean dead zones unleashed , ocean deserts expand , ocean waves speed up , oceans noisier , opera house to be destroyed , outdoor hockey threatened , ozone repair slowed , ozone rise , Pacific dead zone , penguin chicks frozen , personal carbon rationing , pest outbreaks , pests increase , phenology shifts , plankton blooms , plankton destabilised , plants lose protein , plants march north , plants move uphill , polar bears aggressive , polar bears cannibalistic , polar bears deaf , polar bears drowning , polar bears eating themselves, , polar tours scrapped , popcorn rise , porpoise astray , profits collapse , prostitution , prostitution (again) , psychiatric illness , puffin decline , radars taken out , railroad tracks deformed , rainfall increase , rape wave , refugees , refugees again , reindeer endangered , release of ancient frozen viruses , resorts disappear , rice threatened , rice yields crash , rift on Capitol Hill , rioting and nuclear war , Rise and Fall of Rome , river flow impacted , rivers raised , roads wear out , robins rampant , rocky peaks crack apart , roof of the world a desert ,rooftop bars , Ross river disease , ruins ruined , Russia under pressure , salinity reduction , salinity increase , Salmonella , Salmon Decline , satellites accelerate , school closures , sea level rise , sea level rise faster , seals mating more , sewer bills rise , severe thunderstorms , sex change , sexual promiscuity , shark attacks , sharks booming , sharks moving north , sheep shrink , shop closures , short-nosed dogs endangered , shrinking ponds , shrinking shrine , ski resorts threatened , skin cancer , slow death , smaller brains , smog , snowfall increase , snowfall heavy , soaring food prices , societal collapse , soil change , songbirds change eating habits , sour grapes , space problem , spectacular orchids , spiders invade Scotland , squid aggressive giants , squid population explosion , squid tamed , squirrels reproduce earlier , stingray invasion , storms wetter , stormwater drains stressed , street crime to increase , subsidence , suicide , swordfish in the Baltic , Tabasco tragedy , taxes , tectonic plate movement , teenage drinking , terrorism , terrorism again , threat to peace , ticks move northward (Sweden) , tides rise , tigers eat people , tomatoes rot , tornado outbreak , tourism increase , trade barriers , trade winds weakened , traffic jams , transportation threatened , tree foliage increase (UK) , tree growth slowed , trees in trouble , trees less colourful , trees more colourful , trees lush , tropics expansion , tropopause raised , truffle shortage , truffles down , turtles crash , Turbulence in air travel , turtle feminised , turtles lay earlier , UFO sightings , UK coastal impact , UK Katrina , uprooted - 6 million , Vampire bats , Vampire moths , Venice flooded , violin decline , volcanic eruptions , volcanic eruptions redux , Iceland volcano eruption , walrus pups orphaned , walrus stampede , war , war between US and Canada , wars over water , wars sparked , wars threaten billions , wasps , water bills double , water scarcity (20% of increase) , water stress , weather out of its mind , weather patterns awry , Western aid cancelled out , West Nile fever , whales lose weight , whales move north , whales wiped out , wheat yields crushed in Australia , wildfires , wind shift , wind reduced , wine - harm to Australian industry , wine industry damage (California) , wine industry disaster (France) , wine - more English , wine industry disaster (US) , wine - more English , wine -  England too hot , wine -German boon , wine - no more French , wine passĆ© (Napa) , wine stronger , winters in Britain colder , winter in Britain dead , witchcraft executions , wolves eat more moose , wolves eat less , workers laid off , World at war , World War 4 , World bankruptcy , World in crisis , World in flames , Yellow fever

We last posted the far-from-exhaustive list in 2018's "The Earth is wobbling more than it should, and humans are likely the cause" with these notes:

1) If you remember your geologic timescales the divisions of time on earth run from "eons which split into eras, which break into periods, which divide into epochs and then all the way down to ages." That's from Inverse who note the powers that be decided to call the present age the Meghalayan referring to the drought-caused worldwide collapse of civilizations 4200 years ago rather than the much-championed Anthropocene (human influenced) age.

2) The last two years something changed in Greenland and the ice mass is growing quite fast. Whether this is an important event or a natural perturbation remains to be seen.

3) Until that point is sorted out we should probably add the wobble to the list of things caused by global warming (many links have rotted since the last time we posted the list, we'll try to update sometime before the end of the Meghalayan)