Sunday, April 16, 2023

Some Questions On The Washington Post's Focus In Their Pentagon Papers v.2 Reporting

Yves Smith at naked capitalism nails, in fully formed paragraphs, what I was trying to express with grunts and monosyllables.The rest of the article is interesting as well but it was Yves intro that caught my eye. Which is sort of what introductions are supposed to do, eh?

From naked capitalism, April 14, emphasis ours:

Lambert and I have discussed that this is an oddly quiet news period, as shown by the number of stories appearing in the RSS feeds of major US and foreign press outlets, despite being in the midst of a restructuring of the global order and other rows.1 However, the remarkable specter of the Washington Post getting ahead of investigators in hot pursuit of the biggest leaker since Edwards Snowden tripped our bullshit detectors.

As writers, we were both triggered by the writing and exposition style of the Washington Post story providing an extraordinary amount of detail about the presumed leaker and gamer called OG in his Discord circle, which Lambert took to stand for the gamer designation “Old Guy.” According to the Post, OG was the head of a small tribe of gamer teens. OG has supposedly been providing detailed written summaries of material he was reading due to his access to classified documents. When he didn’t get the engagement he wanted, he resorted to posting the documents themselves.

As we learned today after he was arrested, OG is 21 year old Air National Guardsman Jake Teixeira who worked at an installation at the Joint Base at Cape Cod. 

The Post story was more Michael Lewis than journalism: too much like a screenplay treatment, few of the customary qualifiers about certainty of information, and far too many signs of official help, like the Post claiming it had seen 300 documents, yet not even providing any description their scope or even dates, or how it got to not just one but two members of OG’s group who recognized OG was in trouble yet were so willing to go into tell-all mode.

Of course, a story explaining how something highly embarrassing to the government being very slickly and quickly produced does not mean it’s not true. But it does suggest its tires should be kicked awfully hard.....


Our intro to, and outro from, the Washington Post story in our Wednesday post "Ukraine Leaks: What On Earth Am I Reading?": 

This is weird, like something Christopher Steele would make up....
....Someone is going to a lot of trouble to tell a story, and I'm not talking about just the WaPo.
One's Spidey-sense should be activated  and acknowledged when there is an out-of-place vibe on the web, and  getting a false positive now and then is no reason to turn it off.