Wednesday, April 5, 2023

"Oversupply of cars to trigger price war, says UBS"

I was a bit surprised by the bank in the headline but they are still doing what they do.

So what about Zoltan?

From the Telegraph via Yahoo Finance, April 5:

A glut of cars on the market is to trigger a price war among manufacturers as demand fails to keep pace with supply, analysts have forecast.

UBS has estimated that global car production will exceed sales by 6pc this year, leaving an excess of five million vehicles that will require price cuts to shift.

A brimming order book for most carmakers means that prices are likely to remain high for the first half of the year, analysts at the bank said.

After that, sluggish economic growth and higher living costs will squeeze potential buyers’ ability to afford new cars, which is likely to hit prices as cars remain unsold.

Carmakers have already begun cutting the price of electric vehicles (EVs) as the soaring cost of energy and the expensive upfront cost of models means they are becoming increasingly unaffordable....