Friday, April 14, 2023

"Leaked U.S. Intelligence Suggests Canadian Pipelines Targeted By Russian Hackers"

So it won't be fans of the new movie "How to Blow Up a Pipeline"?

From OilPrice, April 11:

A leaked package of intelligence information from the Pentagon has suggested that Canada’s natural gas pipeline network may have been targeted by Russia-linked hackers, the Canadian Press has reported.

According to the leaked documents, the hackers claimed to have gained access to the country’s gas distribution network. There was no information about any damage done.

"There's a big disconnect between gaining access to a computer, in the industrial world, and knowing how to make it do physical things," a cybersecurity executive told the Canadian Press.

"Criminal groups gain access to industrial facilities all the time. But just hitting buttons isn't necessarily going to cause anything meaningful to happen."

"It would be a shock if they weren't targeting Canadian infrastructure, because they're targeting energy infrastructure worldwide as a matter of routine," Geoffrey Cann, digital innovation author and speaker told the Canadian Press.....


We've looked at this guy a few times, see after the jump if interested but first a movie review via The Intercept, April 11:

“How to Blow Up a Pipeline” Movie Poses Terror Threat, Kansas Intel Agency Claims 
The Kansas City Regional Fusion Center warned law enforcement of a “developing threat” — but with no specifics.

In 2021, a Texas intelligence command center disseminated a bulletin warning its law enforcement partners about activists interested in sabotaging fossil fuel infrastructure. The report detailed no specific threat, but instead linked to an interview with Andreas Malm, a Swedish professor of human ecology, on a New Yorker podcast in which he advocated for the destroying or “neutralizing” new fossil fuel projects like pipelines using nonviolent methods. Now, Malm’s work is once again drawing the attention of a fusion center. “How to Blow Up a Pipeline,” a new movie dramatizing Malm’s 2021 nonfiction book of the same name, sympathetically depicts the infrastructure sabotage by environmentalists. The film’s fictional protagonist, Theo, contracts leukemia after growing up in a Long Beach neighborhood with heavy pollution. She joins several others to strap a homemade bomb to an oil pipeline in West Texas.

In a report disseminated last week, another intelligence command center — this time in Kansas — quietly warned of a “developing threat” related to the movie. It was obtained by The Intercept via a source with access to law enforcement reporting, and the Kansas City Regional Fusion Center did not reply to a request for comment. Again, however, this new report conceded that the intelligence center could not identify any specific threat — a contradiction that experts say speaks to the overbroad authority of state intelligence entities and the make-work required by these centers.

“The performance metric is the number of reports you write, rather than the accuracy of them,” Mike German, a retired FBI agent who is now a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, said of fusion centers. “What do you do after you write reports on realistic threats? Pretty soon you have to start writing about imaginary ones. Lots come straight from the fever swamps of social media.”

The Kansas report goes a step further than Texas’s, since the film “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” is fictional.

Another fusion center, the Colorado Information Analysis Center, recently issued a similar bulletin in anticipation of a student walkout to protest legislative inaction on gun violence, as The Intercept reported last week. The report did not identify any potential crime that might arise in relation to the protest. Defending its report, CIAC said that it was not monitoring the protesters and that the report was merely distributed for situational awareness. “Fusion center leaders often say this type of reporting is for ‘situational awareness’ but then why send this type of report out broadly to the law enforcement community,” German said. “I am surprised how many of the fusion center products we see focus on protest activity, where the analysts acknowledge in the report itself that they have no indication that any criminal activity might take place.”

“The Kansas City Regional Fusion Center (KCRFC) has prepared the following Situational Awareness Bulletin,” the report, dated April 4, reads, “to provide information to partners concerning a developing threat targeting Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR), especially oil and natural gas pipelines.” But in a separate caption, it notes “The KCRFC has no information on specific threats directed at the energy sector in this area.” KCRFC is one of 80 fusion centers across the country, which were established in the wake of the 9/11 attacks to combat terrorism by sharing intelligence with law enforcement partners. Kansas likely has a special interest in the matter given the fossil fuel infrastructure in the state, like the Keystone XL pipeline. That pipeline has seen damage — not from terrorism, but from accidents. In December, a spill of 500,000 gallons of crude oil from the Keystone XL was caused by “bending stress fatigue” on the pipe.

But fusion centers lack the traditional law enforcement requirement for a criminal predicate to exist in order to investigate something, German told The Intercept.

“Passing along ‘see something, say something’ leads is a significant part of what fusion centers do,” German said. “The concept of proactive Intelligence Led Policing and predictive policing is to forego traditional law enforcement reporting requirements, by not waiting for crime to occur in favor of passing tips and leads that might forewarn of potential future problems; so the normal criminal predicates were intentionally reduced or abandoned, leading to some of the low-quality, and often low-accuracy ‘intelligence’ reports we’ve seen.”

While KCRFC’s bulletin acknowledges that neither the film nor the book advocate for the targeting of people, it alludes to unspecified social media posts calling for more extreme tactics. “While the book and movie advocate for property destruction and targeted sabotage, not the targeting of people, some social media posts have indicated the tactics employed do not go far enough,” the bulletin states....

Previously on Malm:

Also related  and related to much of the information coming out of Twitter on censorship:  
....To repeat:

    "―Eliminationism claims a moral purpose, holding that political opponents are ―a cancer on the body politic that must be excised—either by separation from the public at large, through censorship, or by outright extermination—in order to protect the purity of the nation."

The phrase is used in Holocaust and other genocide studies, as here re: the study of the Einsatzgruppen, the Ordnungspolizei "German Order Police" and their henchmen, the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police and the Trawniki Men in the Generalgouvernement in occupied Poland; and in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian SSR.....