Thursday, March 7, 2024

Izabella Kaminska Teaches A Master Class In Multidisciplinary Analysis

Two quick points up front:

1) Ms. Kaminska is definitely not a Russophile. 

Between Poland's experiences in the Polish–Soviet War in 1920, in World War II and up through the fall of the communist government in 1989 there is no love lost between Poles and their big neighbor to the east. Additionally, on a personal level, I think Izabella mentioned in a post or a tweet that she had family in Ukraine.

2) As a trained classicist she knows what crossing the Rubicon actually means, what it meant for Rome and what it meant for Julius Caesar. About the classicist bit, I could see her having tea with Mary Beard and though not an academic, holding her own discussing Roman brothel tokens in old Londinium. 

Or something.

From her eXtwitter feed, the start of the analysis:

Follow the thread for the rest and for the comments or if, like me you are not on eXtwitter here is the Threadreader version but no comments.