Wednesday, July 12, 2023

"Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin likely dead, Putin meeting probably faked, retired general says"

Just putting this out there. I am very leery of the "retired General" gang and anything they have to say but he makes one point that is hard to argue with: nobody's seen Prigozhin in a while.

From The New York Post, July 12:

Mutinous Wagner mercenary group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is likely either dead or jailed, and his much-publicized meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin after his botched rebellion was probably faked, according to a former senior US military leader.

Retired Gen. Robert Abrams, an ABC News contributor who previously served as the commander of US Forces Korea, shared his thoughts on Prigozhin’s uncertain fate in the aftermath of the Wagner Group’s short-lived armed insurrection last month.

“My personal assessment is that I doubt we’ll see Prigozhin ever again publicly,” Abramstold ABC News. “I think he’ll either be put in hiding, or sent to prison, or dealt with some other way, but I doubt we’ll ever see him again.”

Asked if he thought the billionaire businessman was alive after posing the most significant challenge to Putin’s regime since he came to power in 1999, Abrams said: “I personally don’t think he is, and if he is, he’s in a prison somewhere.”

The retired four-star general also raised doubts about a meeting that, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Putin held with Prigozhin and all his senior Wagner commanders on June 29, five days after the aborted mutiny....


Unlike some of the other members of the retired Generals club this one comes from a very military family. Both of his brothers were General Officers as was his father, Army Chief of Staff Creighton Abrams who has a main battle tank named after him.