Tuesday, June 20, 2023

France-Saudi Investment Forum: "AI to boost global enterprise software market to $14tn by 2030"

Why no U.S. - Saudi Investment Forum?
From Arab News, June 20:
 RIYADH: Generative artificial intelligence is set to expand the global enterprise software market from $1 trillion currently to $14 trillion by 2030, said Saudi Arabia’s minister of communications and information technology.

Speaking at the France-Saudi Investment Forum in Paris on Monday, Abdullah Al-Swaha said the massive growth in generative AI would present a considerable opportunity for collaboration between Saudi Arabia and France.

“This represents an unprecedented opportunity for both nations to join hands and see how we can double down on talent and technology that have proven to us to be the largest social equalizer and economic multiplier,” said Al-Swaha.   

He further noted that since the start of Vision 2030, the Kingdom’s technology and digital markets have risen to $40 billion and are one of the largest and fastest-growing markets in the world.   

“If we equate this to the eurozone, we’ll be the third-highest concentration of tech force within the eurozone,” added Al-Swaha, noting that Saudi Arabia’s tech force has increased to 340,000....
"Is there a worldwide run on the Bank of the United States of America?"
Not so much a run but a brisk walk. In the nude. To garner maximum attention.

"CIA Director Tells Saudis the US Was Blindsided By Iran Normalization"

 "You had one job..."

"'It's No Longer A Unipolar World' - OPEC+ Makes Surprise 1 Million-Barrel Oil Production Cut"
I think the Obama/Harris/Biden administration has made a huge mistake in how they treat friends and foes.

A huge mistake.
December, 2022

Two very different sources come to similar conclusions regarding the meaning of the recent Sino-Saudi Summit.

The first, TIfSR, is a Marxist/Gramscian group of think tanks leavened with a soupçon. of Frankfurt School.

The other is Pepe Escobar, a journalist with a special focus on the landmass from Libya to Pakistan and the Great Game geopolitics of same. He seems to show up in conflict zones from Ukraine to Afghanistan and though he is a leftist, is not a Marxist/Gramscian leavened with a soupçon. of Frankfurt School. He coined the term Pipelineistan.

Additionally the U.S. government has put some of the sites on which Escobar publishes on their pro-Russia watchlists/blacklists....
November 2022
Saudis: ‘Oil War’ Unleashed by Biden’s SPR Release Could Mean $300-a-Barrel Crude, Analyst Warns
U.S. - Saudi relations are the worst they've been since the 1973 - '74 oil embargo. That resulted in oil jumping 300% from $3.00 per barrel to $12.00 per barrel.

October 2022
Oh Dear God: President Biden Begging Saudi Arabia For Oil Was Even Worse Than We Were Told
"Biden Is Delivering the Middle East to China"
All is proceeding according to plan.
The U.S. was just too big for its britches and had to be taken down a notch or three.
It's deliberate, and it is happening in plain sight in multiple spheres, simultaneously.

"Biden warns there will be 'consequences' for Saudi Arabia after oil production cut"
The O'biden administration has never much cared for the Saudis, much preferring the Iranians.
(the O'Biden moniker comes from the time in March 2020 the then-candidate said "I’m An ‘OBiden-Bama’ Democrat")