Friday, June 16, 2023

"Fact Check-Guardian columnist did not write...."

From Reuters, June 12:

Fact Check-Guardian columnist did not write hot weather in June was “further proof that the Climate Emergency is real”




Geez, I haven't thought of Mr. Monbiot in a few months. He sort of lost me when he went all anti-agriculture and in particular anti-bovine.

From an August 2022 post:
Monbiot: "Eating Meat and Milk and Eggs Is An Indulgence We Cannot Afford."
Tell it to the Hindus, George.
I'm deadly serious, I would not want to be the person who had to break the news....
.... Two quick points:

1) The population of Bison in North America before Europeans arrived on the scene and killed the bison in their millions is estimated at between 30 and 60 million. Using the lower figure: 

Methane emissions from bison—An historic herd estimate for the North American Great Plains

Enteric methane (CH4) emissions were estimated from 30 M bison (Bison bison) across the North American Great Plains before contact with European settlers. We compiled the first historic emissions inventory using an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 2 method. The emissions were governed by the energy requirements for grazing, growth and reproduction. A sex/age distribution accounted for the net effect of births, development and deaths. The CH4 yield was based on calorimeter measurements. The average bison's weight, feed (dry matter, DM) intake and emissions were 411 kg, 3.4 t DM head−1 year−1 and 72 kg CH4 head−1 year−1, respectively. The historic herd's emissions were 2.2 Tg CH4 year−1. On 1 January 2008, 36.5 M cattle were located in 10 American states occupying the historic bison range. Cattle emissions were 2.5 Tg CH4 year−1, estimated using an IPCC Tier 1 method, adjusted by comparison with a mechanistic model and food gathering energy required by 77% of the cattle fed by grazing....
2) And back to India:
Bovine population (cattle, water buffalo, yak)

Ranking Of Countries With The Most Cattle

India had the largest cattle inventory in the world in 2021 followed by Brazil and China.

India's cattle's inventory was reported at 305.5 million head in 2021, accounting for roughly 30% of the world's inventory.

India, Brazil and China accounted for roughly 65% of the world's cattle inventory in 2021.


This list comports well with India's 20th Livestock Census:

...Total Bovine population (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun and Yak) is 302.79 Million in 2019 which shows an increase of 1.0% over the previous census.
Finally, regarding being the person who goes to India and breaks the news, a quick search of the Times of India Archive returns 3371 hits for Hindu riots.
Go for it, George.

Even adopting this fellow's plan won't solve the problem of India's 305 million head:  Climate: Meet the NYU, WEF Associated Bioethicist Who Wants To Genetically Modify Humans To Induce Meat Intolerance
They are Gods and go where they want to go: