Monday, July 27, 2020

Nasdaq Salmon Index: Prices Decline For Fourth Week Of The Last Five

Without the restaurant business, the 'luxury' connotation that the industry worked so hard to achieve is actually counterproductive when shifting focus to the at-home market.


NASDAQ Salmon Index
NQ SALMON (NOK/kg) 48.07
1 Week Change -6.27 -11.54%
4 Week Change -12.78 -21.00%
12 Week Change -3.63 -7.02%

NASDAQ Salmon Index - Prices Per Weight Class

Weight Class (kg) Price (NOK/kg) 1 Week Change Distribution %
1-2 33.96 -3.65 0.43 2.05
2-3 37.77 -4.81 10.87 1.15
3-4 44.83 -5.65 24.42 1.67
4-5 48.16 -6.71 32.68 0.99
5-6 52.09 -6.62 23.08 1.46
6-7 59.25 -3.44 6.34 2.06
7-8 61.97 -1.88 1.93 2.59
8-9 62.47 -2.31 0.23 6.22
9+ 56.15 -6.93 0.02 4.50
NQSALMON 48.07 -6.27


As the chart makes clear, the yummy 4-5 kg and 5-6 kg classes are not immune to the declines.
It might be time to smoke a bunch of the cheaper fish and pitch it as a healthier/omega-3 laden alternative to beef jerky.