Thursday, March 7, 2019


That's the headline at iBankCoin: Set caps on lock, FIRE!!!
From the Fly at iBankCoin:
Wed Mar 6, 2019 8:35pm EST
Today’s Beige Book confirmed what I told you FUCKERS weeks ago, when I discussed AMKR.
In their recent call, the chip maker for the iPhone said sales DROPPED OFF A FUCKING CLIFF — off by 30%. But the stock rallied and the market bounced because they said their customers believe Q2 will be better than Q1. Today’s Beige Book numbers confirm that — so it’s not really news, only for absolute retards.
Two [firms] reported substantial drops in sales and two reported significant weakness. The two firms that reported serious issues were a semiconductor manufacturer and a furniture builder…. The semiconductor firm sells mostly to the auto industry and said that a 40 percent drop in new orders from China was the biggest fall in sales since the collapse of Lehman in 2008. Two other firms, both with heavy exposure to semiconductors, said that the market had slowed significantly since earlier in 2018 –
Additionally, Fed’s Williams had all sort of idiotic things to say at an economic forum today, such as considering negative rates here during the next crisis....MORE