Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Best Selling Car In Norway is Electric. Why?

From Clean Technica:

Top-Selling Cars In Norway Now Electric Cars (Two Months In A Row) — 4 Reasons Why 
For two months in a row, the top-selling car in Norway has been an electric car. (Yes, the #1 best-selling car of any kind was an electric car in both September and October.) Interestingly, it wasn’t the same car. In September, it was the Tesla Model S that led Norwegian auto sales. In October, it was the Nissan Leaf.

Now, there’s a lot of speculation about why Norway is kicking serious ass in electric car sales. Some people think it’s “this,” some think it’s “that,” etc, etc. But can anyone say what it really is?

Well, at EVS 27 in Barcelona last week*, the best presentation that I saw at the whole symposium was one on exactly this topic, which was given by Francisco Carranza, Manager of Corporate Planning at Nissan Europe. Clearly, Nissan is interested in knowing why its Leaf has sold so well in Norway. And it’s also interested in having that level of per capita sales in many more markets. So, it has a good incentive to communicate its best research findings on this matter to as many influential people as possible. I think Francisco really nailed it, and I’ll do my best to share what I learned from that presentation and others (there were a lot of presentations on Norway’s EV success) below and in follow-up posts....MORE