Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What is With the Japanese and their Biomimetic Robots?

Back in April we noted that Japanese sushiBots at least looked like machines, until you saw the placement devices:

Now we find these mimic-human-vocalization freakazoids:

From Improbable Research:
There are now several well-established ways to create artificial voices – some take a purely electronic approach, while others, like Professor Hideyuki Sawada at Kagawa University, Japan, have explored electro-mechanical methods. The video above shows how pneumatically-driven artificial lips, tongues, voicebox and nasal resonating cavities might simulate speech. Unfortunately, the videos linked-to via the professor’s website are now’404 not-found’ (missing) – but fortunately we can view more Japanese pneumatic voice synthesis progress at other Japanese research websites, like that of Professor Atsuo Takanishi at Waseda University....MORE
Robots speech – Japanese pneumatic style