Friday, July 26, 2013

Jeremy Grantham, Score! "Returns on US Timberland Hit Highest Since 2008

The earliest GMO 7-year Asset Return Forecast we have on the blog is from Sept. 2009:

Here is the latest:

And here is the headline story from Agrimoney:
Returns on US forestry hit their highest since the global economic crisis, and are poised for further gains, despite setbacks to hopes for housebuilding, a key destination for lumber.
A timberland index compiled by National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries showed returns of 9.36% in the year to the end of June, the highest figure since autumn 2008, as the world was falling into slump.
The figure, of which income accounted for 2.71 points and capital appreciation for 6.51%, came against a backdrop of disappointment for the domestic property market, slowed by rising borrowing costs.
"The second quarter rise in US interest rates and the 9% drop in overall US housing starts triggered a slight downward adjustment in forecasts for housing demand for the remainder of 2013," the council said....MORE