NASA has successfully tested its
first rocket engine component made through 3D printing.
On Thursday, NASA subjected its new rocket engine injector to a series
of high-pressure fire tests involving liquid oxygen and gaseous
hydrogen, demonstrating that additive manufacturing (its official name)
could one day help the agency build the next generation of rockets
faster and at lower cost.
Additive manufacturing uses layers of metallic powder traced in
specific patterns by lasers.
The technique isn't too far removed from traditional 3D printing,
except it uses high-powered laser beams. While an engine injector is
normally one of the most expensive components of a rocket engine to
produce, additive manufacturing not only reduces development time from
over a year to a number of months, it also cuts costs by more than 70
percent. Following the successful test, NASA says it will look to
scale-up and establish production requirements for the injector, helping
it "demonstrate the feasibility of developing full-size, additively
manufactured parts." However, the agency says has no plans to test its
printed components in a live test flight until 2017.