Monday, May 13, 2013

"James Montier's Presentation at London Value Conference: GMO Now 50% in Cash"

From Market Folly:

GMO Now 50% in Cash
James Montier said that GMO’s 7 year asset allocation model for US stocks is now predicting  negative returns. GMO are now 50% in cash.  While they've been known to hold higher levels of cash than most investors, this seems to be taking things a step further.  They still hold some investments in Japan but he  indicated that they are likely to be selling over the next couple of months.

He said that a year ago the model was indicating good returns in Europe but now it only suggests  2.5% real return per annum. He said that they are a bit frightened to follow the model in Europe  because of the leverage at the company level, particularly in the financial sector....MORE
We'll have a GMO follow-up tomorrow.

Also at Market Folly:
Notes From the London Value Investor Conference 2013: Marks, Price, Montier & More