... According to documents prepared for Tesla’s upcoming annual meeting, Musk has an equity and stock grant package — called “2012 CEO Grant” — which was granted last summer, and which would deliver him another 5 percent of Tesla’s total shares if Tesla meets certain milestones and certain marketcaps. Musk is already a fabulously wealthy person, but it’s the operational company milestones, and accompanying soaring marketcap, which underscore Tesla’s ambitions.
The first tranche of the grant becomes available if Tesla’s marketcap hits $7.2 billion, and one of its operational goals is met. The remaining parts of the grant become available for every $4 billion added to the marketcap, along with an additional operational milestone, until the market cap reaches $43.2 billion and all ten of the operational milestones are met (see the milestones below)....MORE
Thursday, May 9, 2013
"10 milestones Tesla hopes will make it a $43 billion (cap) company" (TSLA)
From Katie Fehrenbacher at gigaom: