Taiwan has always been a major place for thin-film technology and the semiconductor industry. Big players in the Taiwanese industry are now using this experience to explore and start new thin-film silicon solar production initiatives. The share of thin-film in the global supply of solar cells and modules is likely to grow from around 8% in 2007 towards 20% or more in 2010. After the year 2010, the production capacity in Taiwan could exceed 1 GW per year. This will make Taiwan one of the leading suppliers of thin-film silicon cells and modules in the multi- billion euro global market....
...A list of the currently-known major new thin-film initiatives in Taiwan shows that for 2008 a total initial production capacity of at least 310 MWp is scheduled, ramping up to more than 800 MWp in two years time. Sun Well, one of the presenting companies in the program, is even aiming to boost its capacity to more than 1 GW by the year 2012. Some of the above-mentioned companies are involved in crystalline silicon technology as well, such as the major wafer manufacturer Green Energy Technology and cell manufacturer E-ton, both of which companies will be visited.
The thin-film manufacturers will use a variety of technologies as supplied by Applied Materials, Oerlikon Solar, Ulvac as well as the technology of EPV from the USA. Undoubtedly, with these equipment manufacturers predicting production cost levels of less than $ 1/Wp within 5 years time, these products will easily find their way in the growing global market....