Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ukraine Is Bombing Russia's Far North

That's a long way from Kyiv.

Five from the Barents Observer. First up, September 16:

War in the Arctic
OPINION EDITORIAL: Multiple low-flying Ukrainian drones loaded with explosives heading towards Olenya airfield have over the week caused fear among people in Murmansk region. Russia has itself to thank for bringing act of war inside the Arctic Circle for the first time since Second War II.

How Ukraine manage to navigate drones far north to the Kola Peninsula is still not detailed. But despite very long distance, it comes as no surprise that Olenya airfield is a high-value target. Tu-95MS long-range bombers are frequently flying south into launch-positions for sending loads of deadly cruise missiles towards civilian targets all over Ukraine. The Kh-101 missile that hit the Okhmatdyt National Children’s Specialised Hospital in Kyiv on the morning of 8 July was likely launched from a plane from Olenya airfield.

Drones approached the vicinity of Olenya at least two times last week. Murmansk governor Andrei Chibis assured his fellow citizens that the drones were eliminated. It is important for the governor to keep calm. His job is to counteract panic. That is not always easy in densely populated areas. On September 11 the air alarm was activated in City of Murmansk. Pre-planned, authorities said simultaneously as social media was packed with information about two incoming UAVs and airspace was closed all over the Kola Peninsula....


September 11 - Governor: Murmansk is under drone attack

September 11 - Ukrainian attack on Kola Peninsula comes as Russian Navy launches strategic exercise

September 12 -  "We are all afraid," woman in Olenegorsk says as Ukrainian drones attack local airbase

September 12 - Ukrainian drones are on the way. Murmansk again closes airspace